
鼓励音乐专业的学生申请奖学金, 哪些是根据成绩颁发的, auditions, and need. 学生可能有资格获得多项奖学金.

想学音乐的学生应该申请 成就奖学金 由沃拉沃拉大学提供. 这是最大的奖学金之一, 取决于GPA或ACT/SAT成绩, 并应考虑在一个学生的完整 经济援助计划 在计算大学教育的总成本时. 转校生也可获得特别奖学金. 有关所有大学奖学金的更多信息,请访问 weareallnerds.com/scholarships


These auditions (held during U-Days every year) serve to introduce applicants to the music faculty and provide the possibility of a music scholarship of up to $6,000 a year. 大学日奖学金为风, brass, percussion, and string players are awarded for participation in the wind symphony or the symphony orchestra upon enrollment at 沃拉沃拉大学. Awards to vocalists are for participation in the university choirs and voice lessons. Keyboard players who receive University Days scholarships will enroll in lessons and serve as departmental accompanists. Guitarists who are awarded a University Days scholarship will also enroll in lessons.

Auditions will take place in the spring during U-Days, on March 8 or April 8, 2024. Applications to audition are due by February 25 for March U-Days auditions and by March 24 for April U-Days auditions. If you live more than 200 miles from Walla Walla you may submit an online audition by March 31. 请将意见书寄至 music@weareallnerds.com.


  • Candidates should prepare two selections in contrasting styles and eras representative of their level of playing/singing. Each selection should be no shorter than three and no longer than five minutes. 可以接受较长作品的节选.
  • 奖学金获得者将在4月18日之后收到通知.
  • 不能保证所有申请者都能获得奖学金.


Generous donors have given funds for scholarships to support music students in our program. 这些奖项的评选在每年春季举行, 获奖者将在 奖励社区 在春季期间. 这些奖项的资格是基于学生的能力和成就, 证明需要, 以及每个捐赠基金提供的指导方针. 


This scholarship endowment was created by the Music Department in honor of Blythe Owen who began her music career at Walla Walla College as a piano instructor. 她从教80多年,直到2000年去世,享年101岁. 除了教学, Owen earned a master's degree from Northwestern University and a doctorate from Eastman School of Music, 最早的两位女性之一. She created her own musical compositions, with many of her works winning awards. She spent the latter part of her career at Andrews University and maintained a private piano studio until 1997. 这项奖学金颁发给音乐专业的女生.

Clarence O. 特鲁比音乐奖学金

This scholarship endowment was named for Clarence Trubey who directed the WWU band from 1948 to 1955. 除了指导和发展WWU的乐队, 特鲁比是一名低音管演奏者,他自己也喜欢在乐队里演奏. While at the university, he established the first music education degree program. 这项奖学金颁发给音乐教育专业的学生, 对乐队指挥感兴趣的学生优先考虑.


这个奖学金是为了纪念丹·舒尔茨而设立的, 前世界大学音乐系系主任和教授. 他从之前在联合学院的职位来到沃拉沃拉, and spent a record 21 years as department chair before his retirement in 2000. 除了教学, 舒尔茨创立了国际复临音乐家协会, 曾在Walla Walla交响乐团董事会任职, 并为音乐教科书提供咨询. 这项奖学金颁发给音乐专业的学生.


This scholarship endowment was created by Walla Walla Valley residents Gene and Betty Soper. Neither were Seventh-day Adventists or attended WWU, but they were supporters of fine music. Gene Soper是Walla Walla交响乐团董事会成员, where he saw the contributions WWU made to the symphony financially and through faculty and student participation. The Sopers chose to honor those contributions by supporting WWU music students. 这项奖学金颁发给音乐专业的学生.


This scholarship endowment was created by the Music Department to honor Glenn Spring, 在WWU教了36年书的人, 是学校里任职时间最长的音乐老师. 斯普林获得了无数的作曲委托和奖项, and performed as part of the Walla Walla Symphony as a violist for many years and concertmaster for 12 years. 这项奖学金颁发给作曲或弦乐器专业的学生.

H. 劳埃德·雷诺纪念音乐奖学金

This scholarship endowment was named for WWU alumnus and former music professor H. Lloyd Leno. 他指挥大学乐队并教授管乐器, 除了写关于教会音乐的文章和完成博士学位. 在得知雷诺身患重病后, his friends and former students raised the funds needed to establish a scholarship in his honor. 他于1998年去世. 这项奖学金颁发给铜管学生.

John J. 哈夫纳音乐奖学金

这项奖学金是以前世界大学音乐教授约翰·J·琼斯的名字命名的. Hafner. He was part of the university’s music faculty for 11 years after a decades-long career teaching music at Adventist institutions. 1985年,世界大学授予他名誉教授称号. 哈夫纳于2001年去世.这项奖学金颁发给弦乐学生.


This annual scholarship was created by Kenneth Schmidt to support music students.


这项奖学金是以玛丽·加纳·埃萨里的名字命名的. 她的职业生涯是从她以前的高中开始的, 沃拉沃拉高中, 1931年从当地的惠特曼学院毕业后, 20世纪60年代,埃萨里决定重返校园. She contacted the University of Washington but was informed that she could do just as well at Walla Walla College, 她在哪里获得了教育学硕士学位. 这项奖学金用于支持一年级音乐专业的学生.

Melvin K. 西部音乐奖学金

This scholarship endowment was named for former Music Department Chair Melvin West who taught in the department from 1959 to 1977. 韦斯特的成就, he spearheaded the project to bring the pipe organ to the 沃拉沃拉大学 Church, culminating in a concert in which he performed numerous pieces demonstrating the organ’s versatility. 和前教授Loren Dickinson一起, 韦斯特也开始了晚祷, 星期六晚祷节目一直延续到今天. 这项奖学金颁发给管风琴专业的学生.


这是一项由音乐系支持者资助的年度奖学金. 这项奖学金颁发给学音乐的学生.


This scholarship endowment was created by the Music Department and is awarded to music students


This scholarship endowment was created by Joan Ogden, in memory of her late husband, Orland Ogden. 奥格登的童年是在大学广场度过的, where his father was chair of the Walla Walla College Board from 1920 to 1927. 当他的家人搬到西雅图时,他开始了自己的音乐生涯. Ogden was involved in a number of successful business ventures, but his first love was music. He and his wife helped many schools and churches obtain musical instruments at substantial discounts. 奥格登于2003年去世. 这项奖学金颁发给音乐专业的学生.


这笔奖学金是以斯坦利·沃克命名的, 他于1935年在WWU开始了他的键盘教练生涯. 他在音乐系工作了24年, Walker earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in piano from Northwestern University. For the last 14 years of his employment at the university, he served as Music Department Chair. 这项奖学金颁发给学键盘的学生.


This scholarship in the amount of $2000 per person per year is awarded based on auditions held in the beginning of Fall quarter. 请联系博士. 帕梅拉·克雷斯 pam.cress@weareallnerds.com 了解更多信息.

This scholarship was created by Roger and Krista Woodruff in appreciation for their children’s experience as string quartet members while at WWU. 通过目前每年资助的奖学金, the Woodruffs and the Music Department are interested in growing this fund to the endowment level, 允许它永久支持学生.



这笔奖学金是以伊冯·皮克特的名字命名的. 除了做母亲和她的事业, 皮克特是一名活跃的社区志愿者, 包括政治工作. Soon after her husband passed away, she lost her son as a result of childhood arthritis. 在这些损失之后寻求安慰, 她回到了基督复临安息日会, 她成长的教堂, 和一个熟悉沃拉沃拉学院的人成为了朋友. Pickett was grateful for the assistance her son received at a public college and wanted to start a similar fund to help students. 该奖学金用于帮助音乐专业的学生进入世界音乐大学学习.